Favorite Niche Pantry Items

Image via Thrive Market

I was talking to a friend yesterday, and she told me she doesn’t buy anything for her pantry unless she needs it for a recipe. That’s when I realized I was a pantry hoarder. I think it goes to the root of why I started my brand, because I love to try new things, and I love to try five new things at once. This also translates to books I’m reading and shows I’m watching - I’m usually flipping between a few different series because I sometimes lack intentional focus.

With that being said, I have found some amazing pantry items that have become staples in my kitchen, although I would never classify them as things you have to have on hand like olive oil or s&p. However, they are staples to me so I’m satisfied whenever the mood strikes, and if I’m a hoarder, so be it. Enjoy my favorite items below, in the form of a menu because I thought it was cute.


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